The Fear Of Not Getting Good Grades In Children

The fear of not getting good grades is a fear that derives from the lack of safety of the children, since they feel the pressure to be the best in the class.
The fear of not getting good grades in children

The fear of not getting good grades is a fear that many children have and increasingly at an earlier age. This fear stems from the lack of self-confidence that some may suffer. Also insecurity in their abilities, a discomfort that they should not have at such an early age.

If your child really thinks and believes that he will not be able to get good grades, or even that he will fail no matter how hard he tries, it may be because he feels the pressure to be the best in the class.

Your child may feel like he’s letting you down if he fails or if his grades are not higher than a good or a notable. You can also seek perfection in your grades and not settle for a simple pass so as not to dislike you.

For this reason, when you see a failure, do not think that your child is going to do poorly in school, he or she will have a poor prognosis for the future and will fail. This way of thinking is transferred to your son, who ends up adopting that fear of not getting good grades. Maybe you should worry more about what he learns in school and not so much about the grades he gets.

 Is your child afraid of not getting good grades?

More and more children are afraid of not getting good grades or failing exams. Is your child considered better or worse based on his grades? Why? What’s behind this? Where have they learned to assess themselves based on their grades? Here you will find the answers.

If your child is afraid of not getting good grades, surely you are one of those who thinks that your child has to do well in school and be one of the best to be a successful adult with a good future.

The fear of not getting good grades in children.

In this way, when the child fails or gets a low or bad grade, they believe that if they do nothing to remedy it, they will continue to fail and get bad grades, and then an undesirable or uncertain future awaits them or they will be a failure in life.

It would be convenient for you to identify if you are instilling in the child the importance of getting good grades for you. Thus, your child does not feel the enormous pressure of not letting you down on the one hand and the pressure of passing exams with an A on the other.

If you get good grades. he knows he will receive praise and even material rewards for doing so, but if he fails he will be scolded and even punished. Keep in mind that the effort your child makes to prepare for the exam matters more than the numerical result they obtained on the exam.

What happens when your child is afraid of not getting good grades?

It is important to remember that your child may be afraid of so much pressure : fear of failing, of not getting outstanding grades, fear of the consequences for not having gotten a good grade, fear of disappointing you, of being punished, of being blamed, to compare it.

This pressure creates feelings of anxiety that makes your child more concerned with passing than learning. This pressure also causes the child to have self-esteem problems, since he feels insecure about himself and his abilities. And having self-esteem issues at such a young age can have repercussions in your adult life.

Your job as a mother is to reflect on the issue and ask yourself if you are the cause of your child being afraid of not getting good grades or of failing, if you are pushing him too hard, if you reward the efforts he makes, even if he does not get a ten in all or if you punish him when he doesn’t get it out, if you’re educating him to learn or to be the best.

The fear of not getting good grades in children.

Helpful tips

From experience you know that being a mother is not an easy task. Therefore, if you are living this situation, think that you are acting based on what you consider to be best for your child; you are doing the best you can, but you also need to change the way you think. Keep in mind that if your child scores a 10 in all subjects, but does not have friends, his grades are not going to ensure a future of success and happiness.

From now on, think that if your child has gotten a lower grade or has failed, there must be some compelling reason why it happened. Sit down with him and find the reason together so that you can correct it for the next exam. Show your support and let him know that he can always count on you.

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