Good Hydration Takes Care Of Your Child’s Brain

Dehydration can severely affect physical performance and cognitive performance
Good hydration takes care of your child's brain

Some environmental factors can impair the performance of the human body. That is why it is convenient to be attentive to hydration, which is important to take care of the brain. The heat and daily wear and tear do not help the processes of the brain system. In this sense, it is recommended that we worry about keeping the little ones hydrated, especially when they are studying.

Sometimes children’s studies coincide with times of high temperatures. It also happens that the little ones are very active, they run, play and get tired, and then continue studying. When this happens, it is very important that you can hydrate properly, so that your body and brain recover.

The body needs water, and the brain as part of it was not going to be an exception. That is why sometimes the arrival of summer causes our performance to decrease. Some studies reveal how dehydration manifests itself in brain function, we will tell you what it is about.

How does a lack of hydration affect the brain?

The Water and Health Research Institute explains that memory can decrease momentarily with only having lost 2% of water. When this level occurs, one can already speak of dehydration.

In fact, there are studies that link dehydration with a notable decrease in cognitive ability.

We normally wait until we are thirsty to drink water, however this is a symptom of dehydration.

Most of us adults may not be looking to replace lost water when we need it. Therefore we cannot think that children do. Thus, c hen thirst, perhaps because his brain has suffered from dehydration.

Lack of adequate hydration can cause unwanted consequences in the child’s brain, for example, the following.

  • Decreases the ability to concentrate
  • Affects short-term memory
  • Increase the chances of spelling mistakes being made
  • It hinders the ability to solve problems
  • Affects the speed of reflexes
  • Slows down thinking

We have certainly seen children a little slower when they are studying. Perhaps this lack of energy is due to the processes that are affected at the brain level by dehydration. If they ask for water, we think they want to be distracted and take a meaningless pause, we may doubt their need. However, it may be true that your body demands hydration.

Why is water needed for the proper functioning of the brain?

The human brain is made up of three-quarters of water. For this reason, hydration helps you stay in shape. A little dehydration can have serious consequences, but this is usually not noticeable. In fact, experts link dehydration with fatal processes such as heat stroke.

Some groups are more sensitive to a lack of hydration. For example, children and young people, who are in the process of growth. That is why you must be more careful that they stay hydrated, especially when they are doing physical and mental activity.

The properly hydrated brain can improve its functioning up to 14% more. Hydration allows the brain to work faster, which is why it is an ally of students. Remember to always have a bottle of water on your desk or study place.

In addition to water, we can offer them fruits and foods that contain it abundantly. The juices, in addition to hydrating them, provide them with nutrients. While children are studying they need to be hydrated so that the effects of water loss do not delay their learning. Most damage may not be visible to the naked eye, but certain symptoms are unique.

To keep in mind!

If your child has to study on hot days or has returned from an intense activity, try to replace the lost fluids . If you don’t like water, try changing the flavor with lemon wedges or mint leaves. Fruits such as watermelon, apple, raspberries or oranges are also attractive.

However, avoid offering carbonated and sugary drinks, since their nutritional quality is very low and we can cause damage to health in the medium and long term.

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