How To Appease The Pride Of Children?

Very proud or arrogant children begin to experience major changes in their behavior. What to do to help them?
How to appease the pride of children?

On many occasions pride is present in people’s lives. The case of the smallest of the house is no exception. What is worrisome is when this feeling appears continuously and begins to radically change the child’s behavior.

Pride in children, a problem that is born at home

All human beings at some point in their lives show pride. But what is pride? It is defined as an excess of self-esteem, both physically and for one’s own achievements, merits or abilities.

Children also show pride, since it is a natural human behavior. However, when this feeling begins to appear frequently, it can turn into an attitude of pride, arrogance or vanity.

Very proud or arrogant children begin to experience major changes in their behavior. These tend to have problems with other children in their environment and even with adults, because they often have a feeling of superiority.

The problem with this type of behavior is that it usually develops as a consequence of the family nucleus. That is, in most cases children tend to copy the behavior and attitudes of parents, grandparents or other relatives that are constantly present in the child’s life.

Pride often causes us to get angry for no reason.

What to do to avoid pride in children?

The main measure that should be taken to avoid the development of pride in children is a thorough review of the behavior of family members.

As experts in the field indicate, children tend to imitate this type of behavior.  If there is no change in the attitude of the parents and other members, the chances of the child controlling his pride will be very slim.

Highlight the importance of all emotions

It is essential that parents guide their children, and in that process it is important that they explain the importance of emotions. Feeling angry and sad is as necessary as feeling joy. Well, the same goes for pride.

It is not bad to feel good about the achievements and merits obtained through effort. However, when it becomes repetitive and becomes arrogant it is a problem. In balance lies the key to success and well-being.


If parents do not want to encourage the development of attitudes such as pride, it is important that they do not give in to possible tantrums from the child. If a father always pleases his son and gives in to tantrums, he is not teaching the child true respect and limits.

Show that every act has consequences

Another lesson that is important to highlight is that of consequences. It is important for the child to be very clear that every act has a consequence, especially if it is a negative attitude.

For example, if as a result of pride the child offends or hurts another person, he should be reprimanded.

Parents should try to eliminate pride in children.

To look for help

If finally, and despite doing everything possible so that the child does not exaggerate his pride, this happens, it is best to ask for help.

Psychologists are the most indicated professionals to investigate the reason for this attitude of the child. As well as they are the ones who can guide parents throughout this process.

Homeschooling is the key

The behavior and attitudes of the parents will be key to the good development of the child. The example begins at home, and that is why you must take good care of what is said and how it is said in front of the children.

Reinforcing positive attitudes and highlighting negative ones are some of the fundamental aspects of raising children.

Quenching children’s pride shouldn’t be a very difficult task, as long as parents are fully committed to a change in their own lives. With patience and a lot of affection, a change in children’s behavior can be achieved.

Self-esteem dynamics for children that can be done in class

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