Skin Irritations In Babies, What To Do?

In the first years of the baby’s life, it is quite normal for some types of irritations or reactions to their skin. It is very important for parents to have the knowledge of what each of these conditions are like in order to treat them appropriately.
Skin irritations in babies, what to do?

Allergic reactions, dermatitis, eczema or pimples are common in the first months of life for babies. The skin of the little ones is very delicate, so it is convenient to be aware of the most common skin irritations in babies.

Depending on the type of rash that appears, the appropriate treatment will be different. Learning to recognize skin irritations in babies and how to treat them will go a long way.

Skin irritations in babies, what are they?

There are several types of skin irritations in babies; Depending on its type, this will be the treatment that is determined. Among the most recognized skin irritations are: prickly pear and rashes and rashes, which is known as atopic dermatitis.

Sudamina: how to treat it

Sudamina is one of the most common skin irritations in babies. This condition occurs due to the immaturity of the sweat glands in the first years of life of children; an example is when the baby is too warm so that it does not catch cold.

These irritations also occur in conditions opposed to cold; that is, when children are in extremely hot environments with high temperatures.

Sudamina usually resolves on its own, there is no need for any treatment. In such cases, it is important to remove or ward off the factors that cause heat in babies.

When the irritation becomes deeper and more intense, and if the inflammation is even greater, an astringent cream can be applied. In more extreme cases, it is recommended to visit a dermatologist or pediatrician, who can apply a topical corticosteroid.

Atopic skin is more common in babies and children than in adults.

Atopic dermatitis: what does it consist of?

When children have rashes, itching and rashes, we are facing atopic dermatitis. It is one of the most commonly observed skin irritations in babies; It is the most common eczema during the first years of life of children.

In cases of atopic dermatitis, it is very important to consult a specialized doctor, either a dermatologist or a pediatrician. This, in many of these cases, will prescribe a topical corticosteroid.

It must be remembered that, unlike other skin diseases, atopic dermatitis is not contagious. It occurs mainly in those types of skin that are very reactive to external agents or that break out in certain situations. They are outbreaks that must be treated as soon as possible.

How to treat atopic dermatitis?

The treatment that is given to atopic dermatitis is individual and will depend on the degree of condition that the baby has. There are times when dermatitis is very mild and can be controlled with hydration alone; in other cases, the standard treatment is topical corticosteroids.

In more extreme cases, when the corticosteroid does not work, oral immunosuppressants are used. Any treatment administered to the baby must be supervised and controlled by a specialized medical professional.

Recommendations to avoid skin irritations in babies

First, you need to identify irritants and triggers for flare-ups ; that is what is really useful when taking into account considerations to avoid skin irritations in babies. We will try to locate the factors that trigger it, such as dry skin, stress, infections or irritants.

You also have to take into account the type of clothing that is used : this is a very important aspect. All clothing that is tight, rough and irritating such as fabrics, leather or synthetics are very unfavorable for dermatologically complicated skin.

One of the most common skin irritations in babies is atopic dermatitis.

The ideal is to dress babies with clothes that are made of cotton to avoid outbreaks. In this regard, excessive overcoat should be avoided in babies, as it tends to cause inconvenience.

When washing clothes, it is advisable to use a mild soap or detergent. In addition, a good lightener is essential and avoid the excessive use of softeners. In this way, the contact of the clothes with the skin will not cause any type of allergy.

In the home environment, it is best to avoid excessive exposure to dust that is generated at home and  found in the environment, as it can cause eczema. For babies with fragile skin, it is advisable to keep pets out of the house, as their hairs often cause allergic reactions.

In summary, skin irritations in babies are more common and common than you think. It is always good to be informed about them to know what care babies need if they have this condition.

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