5 Things You Should Not Stop Doing As A Mother

5 things you should not stop doing because you are a mom

Many mothers have neglected their personal lives for being a mother, in some cases they use it as a pretext and in others it goes through the feeling of guilt. There are also cases where the work of mothers forces them to leave their own life in the background, even if it is not really happening. But there are things you should not stop doing because you are a mom.

It is true that when the motherhood stage begins, many things change for women, but there are ways to balance those changes to ensure a better life. Even though we know that mothers are complemented by taking care of our family, it is time to reflect on our condition as women.

In this sense, although it sounds something repeated, the value of women is not lost at any stage of life. It is our duty to begin to value ourselves and turn around everything that causes us discomfort and does not allow us to grow as people.

Looking after the family takes time and takes away much of the energy we need to continue, but it is something that with organization and enthusiasm can be transformed to our benefit. Therefore, there are at least five ways to put aside those routines that do not bring us anything good and things that you should not stop doing because you are a mother, among them we have.

What should you not stop doing to be a mom?

1.- Take care of your appearance

People have a style that defines us, the way we dress, the accessories we use, the way we wear our hair or show that we dress up. This style usually varies, but retains its particularity; That is why when it changes radically, it can cause a surprise to those who know us and were used to the other person.

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It is common for women to take that turn in their physical appearance when they become a mother, in which case they begin to modify their customary style, usually alleging lack of time. The overweight and lack of care is quickly evident and motherhood is the main pretext.

We should not do this, because it is necessary to take time from wherever possible, because if we want to do it, we will find a way. No one is going to judge you, unless you can’t balance yourself and your child’s care.

2.- Share with your partner or look for one

In the case of single mothers, it is common for the dedication to their child to be exclusive, which is why they do not leave time to interact romantically with someone. But those mothers who have a partner sometimes neglect her because of her motherly occupation.

This is one of the things that we should avoid, because the relationship is important to guarantee a feeling of confidence in ourselves, it allows us to feel loved, to know that we have someone who is our friend and with whom we feel good.


In addition, it prevents the stress of motherhood from overwhelming us, so it is important to go out from time to time and have romantic moments that raise our self-esteem and encourage the desire to see ourselves better.

3.- Give place to your hobbies

Mothers spend several hours a day watching children’s programs, listening to songs that children like, reading their books and putting together their games; this does not leave us time to do what we like and we usually get used to it.

This routine increases the boredom and disappointment that sometimes overwhelms us, so we should not stop doing those things with which we feel good. In this sense, it is advisable to establish a schedule where there is time to watch our programs, listen to our music and do what satisfies us, it is something that should be part of the rules of coexistence.

4.- Take care of your health

It is quite common for mothers to make excuses for not attending to things that are important to us, such as taking care of our health. Holding off on a medical check-up because the occupations don’t allow it, can cause us a bigger problem.

In this regard, it is necessary to reflect on the need to be well in order to take care of our family, so if you still think that your health is not so important as to leave motherhood for a few hours, think that if you get sick, it will do it for more weather. The best thing you can do for your children is take care of yourself.

5.- See friends

Sharing with friends in less childish contexts is recommended for all mothers who have neglected themselves to take care of their families. Some mothers tend to hang out with their friends often, but while their respective children play ; This implies that friends who do not have children are also not seen.

Going out with friends and sharing once in a while as adults can be very beneficial for releasing accumulated stress or for a change of scene. Having moments where motherhood is not everything can also help us to think differently and relax our routine a bit.

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