Children’s Pedagogy Books

We will talk in this article about some interesting and useful children’s pedagogy books for their content to better understand the stage of childhood.
Children's pedagogy books

We currently find some books on children’s pedagogy with a clear and simple development that may be appropriate  for both educational professionals and parents themselves to read.

Children’s pedagogy books

Within the bibliography on pedagogy books there is, on the one hand, a production regarding pedagogy in general, and children’s pedagogy, in particular, on the other. With respect to the latter, they develop their object of study related to the education of children and the acquisition of skills through their development. 

At the same time, we find books that serve to understand what child pedagogy is and what it studies as a science, delimiting and deepening its epistemology. But we also find other books that offer studies, experiences, reflections, methodologies and useful advice, and they are the ones that we want to highlight, since they can serve as guides to help improve the training and education of students and children.

Fantasy Grammar: Introduction to the Art of Storytelling

In this book, the author, Gianni Rodari, talks about the need to help children make up their own stories. Thus, different techniques and creative resources are presented to tell stories, awakening and promoting creativity and imagination from childhood.

The cause of the children

Its author, Françoise Dolto, inverts the order of things in her book, and the world is observed from the point of view of children as the only way to understand them. He talks about the children’s space and the school environment, and highlights the importance of games as learning about existence.

Children at home following some of the disciplines provided by the proposed children's pedagogy books.

From a psychoanalyst perspective, it establishes a historical and critical balance of the condition of children, helping the reader to better communicate with newborns. In relation to which, he considers that communication at the beginning of life regarding the future of children is important.

Go to sleep kid

Eduard Estivill explains in this book, in a clear and simple way, the scientific treatment to teach children to sleep, based on serious and rigorous standards also recommended by the American Pediatric Association and the American Sleep Medicine Association.

The author explains the steps to be followed to end children’s sleep problems and their main consequences: irritability, drowsiness and relationship problems. He maintains that sleeping well and resting is essential for the physical and mental development of the children themselves, as well as for the stability of the family.

The child: the secret of childhood , one of the best books on children’s pedagogy

An important reading book, like all the books written by María Montessori, or the subsequent developments based on her studies, fundamental to understanding children’s behavior.

María Montessori proposes in this writing a way of approaching early childhood education by releasing the hidden characteristics of the child. This should be done by observing your sensitive periods and preparing an environment free of obstacles.

Child’s brain

In this book, its authors, Daniel and Tina, explain the latest scientific advances in relation to how the brain is made, how it matures and how it works. The book provides both parents and educators with clear guidelines to understand and manage the different conflicts of children depending on each age.

How to educate with firmness and affection another of the most recommended children’s pedagogy books

For years, it has been a fundamental work that serves as a guide to help children to have self-discipline, be responsible, collaborate and know how to solve their problems.

Its author, Jone Nelsen, a psychologist, educator and mother of seven children, believes that positive discipline is not punishment, but mutual respect. Children should be educated firmly and lovingly, focusing on their strengths and not their shortcomings. Furthermore, he argues that children should be taught not what to think but how to think.

Parents spending quality time with their child taking into account the considerations of some children's pedagogy books.

The best of our lives: from the experience of my profession and the sensitivity of my motherhood

It is a book that talks mainly about the emotions, both of parents and families, as well as of children. Its author, Lucía Galán Bertrand, focuses her development on the discovery and explanation of the most diverse emotions and sensations that are experienced since one is a mother.

Happy parenting

This book is a parenting manual debunking some of the myths of traditional education. The psychologist Rosa Jové, author of the book, maintains the premise that a happy upbringing can be achieved, but for this it is essential to learn to develop a healthy attachment in the family nucleus that children need.

How Children Succeed

Paul Tough explores the latest discoveries from neuroscience, education and psychology to show that success does not depend on intelligence, but is related to other qualities. Thus, it is important to develop in children qualities such as perseverance, self-control, curiosity, meticulousness, resolution, and self-confidence.

Final considerations on children’s pedagogy books

Books on early childhood education are important to both educational professionals and parents. They are theoretical and practical developments that help to understand the characteristics of the childhood stage but, above all, its complexity. And if we conceive that childhood is a very complex stage, then we can achieve that the education of children is also increasingly complex and comprehensive.

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