4 Tricks For Children To Lose Their Fear Of Water

The fear of water may or may not have a specific origin. However, the good news is that there are ways to help little ones get through it.
4 tricks for children to lose their fear of water

Do you want children to lose their fear of the water in the bathtub, the pool or the sea? In that case, the first thing you have to do is try to approach your child in a subtle and friendly way in these circumstances and, above all, do not force things. We can help them much more with short steps than by confronting them in a rough way.

Of course, it should be noted that, as long as it is not aquaphobia, it is possible to help our children overcome this fear without the help of a psychologist. In the event that it is a phobia, the treatment must be structured and guided by a professional. Here’s how to act when there is only a slight fear of water.

4 tips for children to lose their fear of water

Just because a child overcomes his fear of aquatic environments does not mean that he will become reckless with no respect for danger. On the contrary, you will know how to handle yourself properly both at sea and in swimming pools. To achieve this, implement the following measures.

  1. Provide them with security.  To overcome fear, it is essential that the child feel confident in the aquatic environment. For this reason, it is vital that your first contact with water be with a trusted adult.
  2. Progressive adaptation.  You must approach it little by little in the pool or on the beach, first in the form of a game. Then if you accept, you can touch the water so that you notice the first sensations.
  3. Provide you with security tools.  Floats, bubbles, or sleeves can be provided to your child to help increase confidence in the water. You must check that they adapt to the age of the child and that they are safe.
  4. Water a fun game.  Play is an effective way for children to lose their fear of water. In the pool you can play on the curb or on the steps, use objects or toys of your choice.
4 tricks for children to lose their fear of water.

Tips for children to lose their fear of water

In the bath

Is the child afraid of water? Is the bath a restless and unpleasant moment? If so, the first thing to do in this situation is not scold him or force him to like water.  You have to be patient and try to distract him while you carefully submerge him in the water.

Although it may seem like an insignificant detail, having the water clear and at a comfortable temperature will help the child to experience a pleasant sensation in the middle. Once he dives in, don’t leave him alone. Play with him and remind him that water is not a threat at the moment.

If mistrust and fear persist, try bathing with it. This way you can set an example, distract him, and help him cope in a good way. On the other hand, it is not advisable to bathe him every day, try to give him time. Swap the bathtub for a shower or toilet with soap and water.

In the pool

To qu and children lose their fear of water in the pool, you must respect your rhythm and  let it suits the atmosphere of the pool. To achieve this, you can take him by the hand and take him for a walk around the pool, so that he can see how other children enjoy bathing in it.

Midwifery features water activities for babies and parents.

On the beach

Many children are terrified of the water on the beach, especially because of the waves and the sound. However, he can overcome it with your help. You can propose a game on the shore of the beach, such as, take the child by the hand and run into the water when the wave recedes, then run to the sand when the wave returns. So that the child sees it as fun until he notices that the water does not cause him harm.

Another option is to play in the sand on the shore with toys, such  as buckets and shovels to store sand. Being entertained in this activity allows you to forget your fears, which leads to wanting to enter the water.

How do you get him to enjoy the water?

You should fill the bathtub with a level of water appropriate to its size (and age). Don’t leave him alone in the water either, so that if he slips, you can help him right away. If it is a young baby, do not allow him to play with the bar of soap or the bottle of shampoo. Neither with the bottle of talcum powder or perfumes, since you can open them and inhale them.

Avoid that the child remains naked for a long time after the bath, you should dress him immediately, since feeling intense cold can make the bath very unpleasant for him.

If you make the baby’s bath a pleasant moment, he can adapt to the water without much difficulty. With these tricks you can make children lose their fear of water, are able to learn to swim and enjoy peacefully.

Everything you need for a day at the beach or pool

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