What Is Belly Painting?

Immortalizing pregnancy in a beautiful memory is always one of the aspirations of the future mother. Body paint stands out as an excellent option.
What is belly painting?

Treating the body like a canvas is a trend that has been gaining strength for some years with the so-called Body painting (body painting, in Spanish). The belly painting would be an evolution of this, but having as protagonist the wombs of pregnant women.

The design embodied in the woman’s belly refers to the preferences of the woman, the father or even the entire family. This activity together with a photo session has become popular as souvenir options of the beautiful stage of pregnancy.

Benefits of belly paiting

It may seem like just a fashion trend, but the truth is that this activity brings benefits for the mother and the baby. In the process of making belly paiting , both the parent and the child in formation enjoy an extra moment of relaxation.

Belly painting is an art form.

The tingling that the brushes produce as they slide down the woman’s belly relaxes her and at the same time stimulates the baby. This type of activity strengthens the pre-birth relationship between mother and child.

What is the ideal time to perform belly paiting ?

The ideal time to perform belly paiting will be the one in which the mother is in the best conditions to do it. Not only physically, it must be remembered that the mother’s state of mind is of the utmost importance so that the activities during pregnancy yield the desired results and satisfaction.

It is recommended to do the belly painting between 6 and 8 months of gestation, of course, the shape and size of the belly will be decisive. In addition, the belly reaches a significant size, although this will depend on each woman. Some mothers do it a week or two before giving birth, and others long in advance. For the aforementioned, it depends a lot on how the future mother is.

Does belly painting affect the mother or the baby?

During pregnancy, many things, however simple and harmless, seem to worry the future mother. Products that were used on a daily basis before getting pregnant are now heavily researched to avoid side effects in pregnancy.

When performing the belly painting, the question arises as to whether the paints and materials that can be used during the process can cause some kind of harm to the mother or the baby. Fortunately there is nothing to worry about.

The paints used in this trend are special for body makeup. The components of these products are not harmful to health at all, they do not cause allergies and their elimination is easily done with water.

How long can a belly painting session last ?

Before making an appointment with the artist who will print the desired design on the belly, you should be aware of everything that the process involves. Women when they are pregnant and especially when the gestation is well advanced often feel tired.

Daily activities are done more slowly and energy decreases easily. A belly painting session can last up to three hours. The extension will depend on the complexity of the design that has been chosen.

Belly painting is an art form.

If you have any discomfort during the process, you can take a break and when you recover you can continue. In general, these belly painting sessions are followed by a photography session , so it is a considerable amount of time for the woman to be active. Small breaks accompanied by tea and some fruit will help the mother’s state of mind and physique.

Where do you do belly painting sessions ?

To find the right place it is necessary to research which body painting artists that live near your residence.  It is advisable to avoid very long trips for this activity, since in addition to the time that will be invested in the preparation of the painting and in the photo session, a long trip can be overwhelming. They can be consulted in groups of mothers who have already done their belly painting session on social networks.

Images courtesy of: Heather’s living art.

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