Does Being The Oldest Child Define Personality?

The order of birth affects the development of children’s personal characteristics.
Does being the oldest child define personality?

The order in which children and their siblings are born largely determines the personality of each one. Therefore, being the eldest child implies gathering a series of personal characteristics. Although other factors that influence this are DNA, lifestyle, interpersonal relationships and emotions.

Each person develops a very particular temperament in relation to their brothers and parents. Furthermore, the order in which people are born is also defined by genetics and gender.

Thus, the eldest son, according to his gender and certain other genetic factors, will be treated in a particular way by his parents.


How does the personality of the firstborn develop?

Although not all firstborn are the same, there are common elements in most. In general, in these cases we might think that there is more probability of having had an unwanted pregnancy. However, we can speak that there is an equal number of probabilities that they have been looking for it.

Therefore, depending on the context in which they are born, the first child is very likely to be expected and loved by all. When it comes to a couple formed for the purpose of making a family, the first-born will be the one who sets the tone. From now on, a series of events is triggered around this birth, which surely will not happen in subsequent ones.

Some scientists claim that older children tend to be smarter compared to their siblings. This may be due to the fact that first-borns spend more time with their parents, which promotes greater attention to their development.

Likewise, parents are more demanding with their older child, they want this to be very strong and successful, that is, they have more expectations. However, with the other children, they have already put their feet on the ground.

To a great extent this child is usually very outstanding in what he does. They achieve everything that is proposed with a lot of effort to obtain the success for which they are recognized. They are very responsible, can be trusted, tend to be very careful and behave. They are practically a small reflection of what parents are.

Although this is not true in all cases, it should be noted that the eldest son has the responsibility not to disappoint his parents. Some characteristics that describe it are order, perfection and responsibility. For this reason, performance in school is usually high.


What is the difference between the personality of the eldest son and the others?

Many firstborn have certain traits in common, for example, their leadership ability. Specialists believe that these children could look even more like other older children than their own siblings.

In relation to other children, they tend to be more moody, even appearing insensitive. They can be intimidating and demanding. This is especially the case since they have taken over most of the territory. So when the brothers arrive, they must adapt to the situation they encounter.

On the contrary, the middle child or the youngest, tends to be somewhat more pacifist.

So, the order of birth in some way conditions the personality of the eldest son and that of the others. Except for a particular situation in parenting or context, most develop in a similar way. As we can infer, the treatment that parents give them will greatly affect their temperament.

Parents are likely to make more mistakes when raising their firstborn. However, these children are characterized by their good behavior, perhaps because we act to the letter.

Almost no one can speak ill of the middle son, although one may think that he is a bit misunderstood. However, experts think you are more likely to be balanced, independent, and sociable. Perhaps the difference of this brother, with respect to the older one, is the need to reconcile with other brothers.

For his part, the youngest son, often accused of being spoiled, has his own challenges. You may gain the attention of your family, but you don’t seem to feel the need to get along with everyone. It is possible that certain traits are compatible with those of the older son, because they are special for some reason.

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