For The Sake Of Your Child You Cannot Be A Suffering Mother

For the sake of your child you cannot be a suffering mother

“Suffering mothers are victims of themselves, they are women who do not know how to get out of their suffering or separate love from the most regrettable pain.”

Woman, for the sake of your child, whatever the circumstance or cause, you cannot be a suffering mother; you cannot be, because suffering is not love and everything that concerns a child must be taken and felt with the most platonic love that can exist.

For the sake of your child and of all the children of the world, you have to learn to be a happy, prosperous, demanding, joking, positive mother … but never one that is too meek, submissive to their suffering.

For every suffering mother there is an unhappy son

Not all women know how to assume their role as mothers. Many think that loving their children is crying for them and even suffering for what may happen to them tomorrow.

The women who feel sorry for their children, who suffer from certain physical and mental characteristics that they have; due to their economic deficiencies and their frustrated or unattainable desires … they hurt them, they transmit their pain to them.

The emotional capacity of children is prodigious: they always realize when something bad happens, there is a problem, or someone suffers because of something. The children of mothers who feel and behave that way are raised with the awareness that they are less than others, there is something wrong with them and they will always be unable to achieve their goals.

Origins of a long-suffering mother

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The origins of a long-suffering mother are diverse. One that you should already be conceiving is the one that is based on your child’s intellectual and physical disabilities.

The woman who suffered emotional abandonment in her childhood, the one who was physically and psychologically abused, the one who had to sacrifice youth and dreams to raise an unexpected child, the wife who was deceived and despised for years, or the one who fears The future separation from her little one when he becomes an adult and must continue his life are also motivations for not a few women to become suffering mothers.

How not to be a suffering mother?

In order not to be a suffering mother or, at least, try to avoid it, we give you these tips:

  • Never use the words “pity”, “poor thing”, “failed”, “disabled”, “abandoned” to refer to your child and less where you think he can hear you.
  • Don’t feel sorry for him. We all have defects, we lack something, we get sick, or we do not get a certain dream.
  • Take care of it, but don’t over-protect it. The life ahead of you awaits you with countless setbacks that you will have to face whether you want to or not. It is worth nothing to suffer, perhaps, for what never happens to him. Better prepare it and prepare yourself for if one day you have to face what you fear so much.
  • Love him and let him know that love is joy, satisfaction, well-being, optimism …
  • Be brave and prevail in the face of difficulties. Your child deserves the best in life, the best you can give him. Strive as a mother and a worker.
  • In his mistakes, his illnesses, his fears, is when he needs you the most. That is the least appropriate time to get depressed, turn your back and pass the “problem” to another member of the household.
  • Do not pretend to be the center of his attention forever, his attachment figure, for fear that tomorrow he will grow up and leave you. Avoid raising him around you by making him feel that you are the most important thing.

“Self-esteem, high self-esteem; feelings of satisfaction and joy with their achievements, their aptitudes and way of being… that is the best inheritance, the most valuable teaching of a mother. “

For the sake of your child, take care of your mental health and be happy

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Mom, another detail that you cannot ignore if you want to avoid being a suffering mother is taking care of your mental health, your emotional well-being.

Get away from being the slave who postpones all her dreams for a tomorrow that doesn’t come. Do not be the one who is attentive to others 24 hours a day, does not improve professionally or personally, does not leave the house except to shop, does not do sports, does not share with her friends …

The excessively self-sacrificing mother is the most prone to falling into a deep depression that not only harms her, but also completely lacerates the rest of the nucleus, the nucleus that depends so much on her.
For the sake of your child and your own be happy, as happy and fulfilled as you can.

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