How To Get A Peaceful Arrival Of A New Brother

How to get a peaceful arrival of a new brother

When you plan to expand the family and there is already a child, the transition may seem somewhat complicated but it does not have to be that way at all if the needs and feelings of the little one are taken into account. The arrival of a new sibling can be a peaceful event where each and every member of the household can enjoy to the fullest.

If you are parents and a new sibling will arrive shortly, it is necessary that you think about the ways to make the transition something in which your child feels a participant and also important.

It is absolutely necessary that he does not feel at any time that the new brother will take away his prominence or that you will love him less than him. You need to understand that the love of parents is never divided, it is always multiplied by their children.

Before the baby comes home

Before the baby comes home, that is, when the mother is still pregnant, it is necessary that you involve your child in everything that can be part of it. For example, if you are going to decorate the baby’s bedroom, depending on the age of your child, you can ask him for an opinion about the colors for the walls, to choose sheets or to choose some decorative details.

When you go to buy clothes for the baby, make him feel like the protagonist by choosing the clothes that he likes for his new brother  so that he feels that his decisions are important and that they are taken into account.


When you want to announce that you will be parents again, you can also make the little one feel like the protagonist. For example, you can put a shirt on him that says something like: “In March I’ll be a big brother” or something like that. During the 9 months of pregnancy, talk about your brother, about how good it is to have siblings, that being the older brother is important (but do not hold him overly responsible, remember that he is a boy), etc.

When you are still in the hospital

When you are still in the hospital and your child comes to see you, it is necessary that there are not many people in the room so that you can give your child your full attention and not feel displaced at any time.

Your child will need to feel close to you because they will have missed you while you were in the hospital giving birth to your second child and will need to connect with you. Ideally, when I go to the hospital to see you, only you, your partner, your child and the baby should be in the room.

When it is time to leave the hospital to go home, try to match when he can be present, so he can be part of that special moment and he can feel how the 4 of you return home as a family that was 3 and now is of 4.

When it’s time to bring the baby home

First you must get the idea as parents that the first 6 or 8 months will be moments of change for everyone and that perhaps your oldest child will have moments of setbacks or that he behaves in different ways, it is his way of adapting and as long as it is nothing very out of the ordinary you should not give it the greatest importance.

It is necessary that difficult moments are normalized and that you name what happens in each moment, so your child can feel calmer and understand what is happening and what is happening within his world of emotions.


You can think of the idea of ​​the older son giving a baby shower gift and you giving it to him because he has become the older brother. It is a way of establishing an emotional bond and understanding the family importance between siblings.

Once at home, try to get your older child to participate in the routines in which they want to do it, such as bath time, if they have nightmares or regressive behaviors remember that it is normal and that it will pass over time … both children will need your attention and your love alike. Although life has changed for everyone, your love may be intensified.

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