3 Recipes For Homemade Lactose-free Ice Cream

It is normal that on a hot day we want to eat ice cream. But what if we are lactose intolerant? Don’t worry, we’ll help you indulge yourself with these 3 delicious lactose-free ice cream recipes.
3 recipes for homemade lactose-free ice cream

Ice cream is everyone’s favorite dessert par excellence. Surely many times you have asked yourself: How are they made? or even how do they make them lactose free? Today we will show you 3 recipes for homemade lactose-free ice cream to prepare these delicious desserts. They will be so easy that you will not need the help of any expert.

Do not forget that it is not appropriate to remove lactose from the diet if there is no prior medical diagnosis. Otherwise, an intolerance may be generated in the medium term.

Lactose-free homemade ice cream recipes: an excellent option

The greatest benefit that you will obtain when making them at home will be to be completely sure that they do not contain the sugar assimilated by the lactase enzyme (remember that the rejection of lactose occurs when the small intestine does not originate this enzyme in sufficient quantity). But not being able to consume lactose does not mean missing certain dishes. For this reason, it is great news to have these recipes for homemade lactose-free ice cream.

Lactose-free homemade amaretto and coffee ice cream recipe

There are numerous recipes for lactose-free desserts.

This recipe is suitable for a sweet tooth. In any case, try not to consume these types of preparations on a daily basis. It contains a high amount of sugar, which has been shown to affect pancreatic health.


  • 3 cups of lactose-free whipping cream.
  • 1 cup of icing sugar.
  • 2 tablespoons of soluble coffee.
  • 1 tablespoon of amarettos.
  • 3 tablespoons of honey or maple syrup.


  • Place the cream in a bowl and beat until it peaks (the use of a professional mixer is recommended) Make sure the cream is very cold, as this will make it easier for you to whip it.
  • Then spread the sugar together with the coffee, add the amaretto and stir with enveloping movements until the mixture is uniform.
  • Clever! We have finished our preparation, now put all our mixture in a container and place it in the freezer until it takes a uniform texture.

Lactose-free homemade vanilla ice cream recipe

Homemade vanilla ice cream is a great option for lactose-free desserts.

This ice cream will delight the lactose intolerant. Keep in mind that you can flavor it with different essences to vary its organoleptic characteristics.


  • 250 ml of whole milk without lactose.
  • 600 ml of lactose-free heavy cream or cream.
  • 175 gr of sugar.
  • 4 egg yolks.
  • 1 vanilla shell.
  • 2 teaspoons of vanilla essence.
  • A pinch of salt.


  • In a bowl add the lactose-free milk, the sugar, the lactose-free cream, a pinch of salt, the scrape and the vanilla shell itself. We let it heat up at a low temperature, stirring occasionally.
  • When boiling, remove from heat and let it rest for approximately 20 minutes to lose temperature.
  • In another large bowl, beat the egg yolks.
  • Once the initial preparation is at a stable temperature, we pour it over the yolks, removing the vanilla shell. We stir well to merge.
  • We add everything back to the casserole to heat it again over low heat for 5 minutes until it thickens slightly like custard. Once the desired texture is reached, we let it cool.
  • When the mixture is completely cold, we pour it into a container and leave it in the freezer for approximately 4 hours so that the flavors settle well. We must remove it every 40 minutes to stir the mixture and obtain a uniform texture.

    Lactose-free almond chocolate stick homemade ice cream recipe

    Homemade ice cream with almonds is easy and simple to prepare at home.

    The nuts are perfectly integrated in this ice cream. These foods stand out for their content of omega 3 series fatty acids. These lipids are essential in order to modulate the inflammatory state, according to a study published in Biochemical Society Transactions.

    Ingredients for the vanilla filling

    • 500 ml of lactose-free vanilla ice cream (see recipe above).

    Ingredients for the almond chocolate coating

    • 200 gr dark chocolate coverage.
    • 2 teaspoons of butter or coconut oil (or lactose-free butter).
    • 1 Teaspoon vanilla extract.
    • Crispy almond cubes.


    We already know the recipe for homemade vanilla ice cream. But what you didn’t know is that the secret to getting a homemade chocolate almond popsicle is exactly the chocolate coating. So when you have our vanilla ice cream ready, follow this easy procedure:

    • Dilute the dark chocolate covering with the coconut oil or lactose-free butter.
    • Once you get a homogeneous mixture, add the teaspoon of vanilla and the crunchy almond cubes.
    • Cover your popsicle with the chocolate mixture. The secret is in the coconut oil or butter along with the extreme temperature of the vanilla ice cream. Well, butter, being a saturated fat, when it comes into contact with well-frozen ice cream, it crystallizes or solidifies and makes the chocolate coating adhere to the vanilla ice cream divinely.

      Enjoy eating ice cream with your family

      We hope you have loved these 3 lactose-free homemade ice cream recipes as much as we did. One of their advantages is that they do not require many ingredients and they are very easy to make. We hope that you will soon put them into practice and be able to unite the whole family in this preparation, for the children it will be very fun to collaborate in the preparation of these fascinating desserts.

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