Week 31 Of Pregnancy

Although it is still early for the baby to be born, your lungs are increasingly ready for the time of birth. Did you know that it is likely turning to head upside down?
Pregnancy week 31

In week 31 of pregnancy your baby will be able to pick up and perceive many stimuli. As long as you keep your doctor visits up to date, there is nothing to worry about.

The development of the baby’s organs is almost complete. Thanks to the concentration of subcutaneous fat, its pink color on the skin becomes more noticeable.

Every time he makes himself felt more with his kicking. It is that he wants to go out into the world. The uterus feels narrower and needs to stretch. You are no stranger to that feeling. You also want the baby to come out and be able to cradle him in your arms.

Baby development at week 31 of pregnancy

Right now your baby is about 40 centimeters tall and weighs about 1700 grams. We would say that it resembles a coconut in size.

Surely you’ve already started to feel more kicks! As the fetus grows it has to adapt to the shape of your uterus. He will try to get upside down in order to get out the natural way. The turning process is progressive and in most pregnancies it occurs between weeks 28 and 32. So you may be going through it right now.

At week 31 many parts of the baby can be seen.
Many of the advances in your baby’s body can be seen through an echo sonogram.

Urinary system

In this week the baby’s urinary system continues to work. Your kidneys filter the blood and remove the remains through urine, which goes into the amniotic fluid. It is important that your doctor monitor the amount of this amniotic fluid through ultrasound. For each week there is an adequate value and considered normal.

Why is this important? Well, because excess fluid can occur, known as polyhydramnios . It could be that the baby is not swallowing enough or there is a gastrointestinal obstruction that requires attention.

On the other hand is oligohydramnios , that is, less amount of amniotic fluid than it should. It usually indicates that the baby is not urinating enough. This may suggest a kidney or urinary tract problem.

Other baby advances

It is normal to think that inside your uterus there are not too many stimuli for the baby, but the truth is that his brain is already developed to perceive them. As soon as it is born, it will hear your voice and remember it.

The caseous vernix has decreased a bit compared to the previous weeks, but will remain until birth and a little longer to protect her delicate skin. In addition, it has already accumulated a good amount of subcutaneous fat to regulate the temperature when it leaves the uterus.

The most common symptoms during the 31st week of pregnancy

Your weight continues to rise, although the rest of the remaining weeks may not be much of the change. This does not mean that your baby is not growing properly, but that the most important phase of volume growth has already happened. Now the ripening is missing.

You also likely have some breast milk already coming out of your breasts. It is normal and this fluid is called colostrum . It is yellow in color and contains maternal antibodies and immunoglobulins that protect the newborn. This is confirmed by studies.

In week 31 of pregnancy, other symptoms are common, such as the following:

  • Fatigue: If you feel excessively tired, there may be a problem with your hemoglobin. Tell your trusted doctor at the next appointment so that they can indicate the corresponding studies.
  • Sleep problems: insomnia is common in week 31. If symptoms occur too often you should see a doctor.
  • Respiratory sleep disorders: Research indicates that lack of rest, as well as being overweight, cause these types of conditions. They occur in up to 50% of pregnancies in the third trimester.
  • Inflammation of the vulva: this is one of the symptoms that occurs due to increased blood flow throughout the body.

Tips and recommendations in week 31 of pregnancy

It is always necessary to go to the prenatal consultation, especially when you are on the date close to your delivery. The doctor needs to evaluate how your baby is doing.

At this point, the consultations can be done every 3 or 4 weeks, but it all depends on how the rest of the pregnancy went and the particular characteristics of the baby. You should never stop going to your obstetrician appointments, even if you feel fine.

Fight anxiety!

In this week the pressure of childbirth can generate anxiety, which increases insomnia. As we have mentioned, to some extent feeling like this is normal, but it is not necessary to settle for these negative feelings.

Studies indicate that stress and anxiety can negatively affect a baby’s weight. Therefore, the idea is that you identify how you can remove that feeling. Among the options you can consider is yoga.

This is a discipline of Indian origin that seeks the psycho-physical well-being of people. Articles indicate that it is very useful to practice it throughout the gestation process, when labor begins and in the postpartum period. You will be able to reduce anxiety and stress.

If you start doing yoga you can also have physical benefits. This is because it includes different relaxation exercises that can improve your back and pelvic pain. Also, it helps control breathing, which will be very helpful with the baby’s new position.

Diagnostic studies

Regardless of whether your doctor is planning a cesarean section or natural delivery with you, he or she will likely order some lab tests. These serve to assess the health of both and to have them on hand in case of an emergency.

Among the most common to perform in this 31st week of pregnancy, if they have not already been done, are the complete hematology (red blood cell count and hemoglobin) and the ecosonogram.

Frequently asked questions in week 31 of pregnancy

Here are some questions that we know can arise at this stage of pregnancy, regardless of whether you are a new mother or already have other children.

1. Can I get regular exercise?

In week 31 some exercises can be done.
Some low intensity exercises could be great this week.

It depends on the type of physical activity you want to do. Studies indicate that, unless there is a contraindication by your doctor, you can do low-impact sports or even do activities at home. It is a matter of being creative.

2. Can I have X-rays?

Only when necessary. In the 9 months of pregnancy, it is likely that at some point you will have a medical problem that requires an X-ray (such as a fracture or pneumonia).

Fortunately, this method emits little radiation and there are specific ways to protect your baby during image capture.

3. Can I drive?

As long as you have the proper care, yes. You should do it at a safe speed and fasten the seat belt around your belly (never over it).

Week 31 of pregnancy: little by little the expected date is approaching

In the 31st week of pregnancy, the desired date is closer. It only takes about two months to receive the new member of the family.

If you already know the gender and its name, it is convenient to start assembling your baby’s room so that he feels at home from day one. Take advantage of the project with your loved ones!

Pregnancy week 32

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