Periductal Mastitis: Symptoms And Treatment

Despite the concern that it causes as soon as it appears, periductal mastitis is usually a benign condition. Below we detail its symptoms and how it is treated.
Periductal mastitis: symptoms and treatment

Periductal mastitis is a pathology that is defined as an inflammation of the mammary glands due to the obstruction of the ducts that carry milk. It occurs specifically in the area of ​​the areola and the nipple.

The peculiarity of periductal mastitis is that it occurs in periods that are not related to breastfeeding;  hence it is also called non-lactating mastitis.

This condition, which in principle is benign, usually worries many women who suffer from it; This is because when approached in the first instance, its symptoms and posttest results are similar to those of breast cancer.

What is periductal mastitis

Periductal mastitis is a not very recurrent pathology. The reason for its appearance is not clear, but it is usually associated with women who breastfed for very long periods of time.

It is also associated with women who smoke and with changes in the epithelium of the ducts due to the onset of menopause. In fact, the ages at which this pathology usually appears are between approximately 45 and 55 years.

How is it detected?

To detect if a patient suffers from periductal mastitis, the specialist doctor uses a thorough examination and orders that a breast ultrasound , ultrasound or mammography also be performed. In cases where the disease has severe symptoms, a biopsy may be ordered.

This is because the characteristics and manifestations of the disease are closely related to breast cancer; As this is one of the diseases that more female victims are claimed worldwide, it is imperative to carry out all the tests to achieve a correct diagnosis.

Periductal mastitis usually affects the areas closest to the nipple

Symptoms of periductal mastitis

Periductal mastitis usually affects the areas closest to the nipple. It is very unlikely that the inflammation will register in the entire breast; and in most cases, it occurs in only one of the breasts, while the other remains completely healthy and asymptomatic.

The most common symptoms that occur in patients with this disease include:

  • Multiple abscesses or lumps on the nipples
  • Pus discharge
  • Back pain linked to the affected nipple
  • Permanent inflammation
  • Reddish color in the area
  • Spikes
  • Heat emanation
  • In extreme cases, the nipple may turn inward.

    Treatment of periductal mastitis

    Periductal mastitis is a pathology that, although it presents quite uncomfortable and painful symptoms for its carrier, does not represent a greater risk, since it is considered benign.

    The treatments to eradicate the disease and the symptoms are directed to taking antibiotics, anti-inflammatories, analgesics, the extraction of the liquid, the use of localized creams or surgery, in the event that the patient does not evolve.

    In the case of antibiotics, these must be given for specific periods according to the medical prescription; they are usually assigned to young patients. When surgery is used, it is because after exhausting all avenues for symptom relief, the patient continues to relapse.

    In these cases, the doctor makes the decision to remove the milk ducts, with which the problem definitely disappears. In the case of abscesses, you can resort to the extraction of the fluids that generate the lumps without necessarily having to go to surgery.

    Periductal mastitis often causes pain for those who have it.

    Prevention of periductal mastitis

    Although the definitive reasons why this disease occurs are still not completely clear in the medical field, there are several recommendations that health specialists offer to avoid the appearance of this pathology.

    Smoking is considered to be one of the first causes of the appearance of mastitis; Other recommendations include not drinking too much coffee, avoiding states of stress and fatigue, not consuming foods rich in fat, cutting out excessive sugar intake, and not wearing bras that are too tight or made from synthetic fabrics.

    It is also vitally important that, once the patient registers these symptoms, she immediately resort to medical evaluation. The argument is that chronic periductal mastitis can lead to serious health complications. Always early detection and performing mammograms on time reduce risks.

    Know everything about mastitis: causes, symptoms and treatment

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