6 Achievements Of The Baby When He Turns One

6 baby achievements at one year old

After twelve months, your baby will have experienced several significant accomplishments that will make you proud

Thanks to your love and dedication, your little one will reach his first year of life with new behaviors that will surprise you. . Day by day he will show you an immense amount of achievements that will define his personality.

Undoubtedly, Dad  and Mom will be your main examples to follow at this stage , where everything around you is new. This means that they will emulate most of your actions.

Developmental milestones will tell you if your baby is growing normally

In this sense , the way you play, speak, learn and act offers us several clues about how your little one is growing . These signs are known as developmental milestones, which provide important information about the toddler’s general health.

Achievements of your baby when he turns one year

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Children’s first year is full of great finds . At this stage, body control, communication and social interaction are the three most important points that these beautiful little people will have to overcome.

To give you an idea of ​​how they are growing, we will tell you about their evolution :

The first month: a contact with the world

In the first weeks, your child will instinctively adapt to the environment, for example, move his eyes towards the light, move his head and open his mouth (reflex of suction ), open your arms to loud sounds, etc. He communicates through crying to say that he is hungry, lonely, hot or cold.

The second month: a smile to mom

Some stimuli will make you smile, such as seeing Mommy . Likewise, it begins to emit certain guttural sounds to attract people’s attention, since the presence of others is essential at this moment.

The third month: head in motion

Shows interest in things and begins to turn in the direction of noises. The stimuli  visuals he loves. The babbling appears to fill you with tenderness.

The fourth month: controlling my little body

He already holds his head firmly, looks at his hands continuously, laughs frequently and does not like to be alone.

The fifth month: babbling is the specialty

He loves to hear his own voice and does not stop making sounds. He puts objects to his mouth, the mood of others affects them and he gets annoyed if they stop playing with him.

The sixth month: teething

Is able to turn on his own, grasps the bottle with his hands, shows a preference for some people and teeth  are beginning to be noticed. It is important to make sure that he does not get close to the edges of the bed because he can fall.

Each baby evolves at its own pace, so do not worry about the changes of other children

The seventh month: I sit still

Every second that passes is a new learning, since the muscles are strong, they are a little stronger. He lifts his trunk, sits for a while, understands what you say, goes from sounds to syllables and uses his hands freely.

The eighth month: the feeling of fear

You may be wary of unfamiliar people unless you approach them calmly and speak softly to them. Shows feelings and turns both ways.

The ninth month: crawling

You will move through space using the crawl . Of course, this is a process that varies from child to child, but you could help them with interesting stimuli. Throws toys and looks for them.

The 10th month: I stand up

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It grabs on any surface to get up; says bisyllables like “ma-ma”, “te-te” or “pa-pa”; wave with the hand; and loves hearing new sounds (dropping an ornament or ripping a magazine).

If you see that something is wrong, tell your trusted pediatrician

The eleventh month: I’m close to the goal

Both will be able to understand each other better, he says the first words and begins to walk on his own. Understand phrases like “give me this” or “leave that.”

The first year: independence

Taking the first steps, having new ways to play, naps are reduced, saying goodbye is difficult, having greater access to language and referring to things by name are the six achievements of babies in the first year.

Remember that you can tell the pediatrician about any situation that does not seem regular. . Guide him with love always, accompany him and enjoy with him the beautiful experience of life.

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