What To Do To Calm The Baby?

Do you lose control when your baby goes into an episode of unstoppable crying? We recommend trying the following techniques to calm your mood and promote relaxation.
What to do to calm the baby?

Calming a crying baby can become a difficult mission for inexperienced parents. As the minutes go by and the volume of the baby’s crying increases, both his bewilderment and his nervousness grow. To help you get around this difficulty, we present some techniques to calm your baby.

The reasons that cause a baby to cry are very diverse. Perhaps the best way to get to the root of the matter is to learn to recognize the different types of baby crying. However, this is a skill that mothers and fathers acquire over time; meanwhile, how to make the baby calm down?

Ways to get the baby to calm down

Before starting the enumeration, it is necessary to clarify that not all techniques will have the same effectiveness in all babies since, as you already know, there are no two identical people. On the other hand, you must know how to recognize when your baby is complaining about something serious and when he simply needs attention. If the crying is intense or is accompanied by symptoms such as fever or vomiting, the main thing is to go to the pediatrician to rule out any health problems.

1. Movements

If you hold him in your arms, walk around the room and rock him gently: the contact and the movements will calm him little by little. If you accompany this technique with whispers, a few strokes and a light pat on the back, it is sure to calm down quickly.

A short time ago, a video of an American pediatrician calming babies by holding them at a 45 ° angle, with one hand on his chest and one on his buttocks, went viral on the web . Almost like a magic solution, the dazed babies would instantly stop crying.

Kidney pylectasis in babies causes discomfort and therefore crying in babies.

2. Sounds

Just like human contact, babies find it very calming to feel the voice of their mother or father close by. This is due to the most primitive sense of protection that is activated in them in the presence of their parents. Not only are voices good for the baby to calm down, but also certain sounds, such as the car running, music or the noise of the washing machine – yes, this happens – can generate calm in the little one.

3. Massages

In addition to being an effective technique to alleviate colic pain in babies, gentle massages are also an excellent alternative when it comes to making them stop crying. Through this contact, babies relax and learn to know their body better. You can add oils or creams to the massages to enhance their benefits and increase the feeling of well-being in the little ones.

4. Bathroom

Like adults, hot water helps babies release tension and relax their muscles. If we accompany a bath with caresses and a quiet environment, the baby will feel much calmer later.

5. Walk

Babies like to browse, look around, and breathe the fresh air. As long as the weather conditions are appropriate and the time is right, this option can be a great way to find peace.

The baby's first bath should be done considering certain precautions.

Tips for when the baby cries

In addition to the techniques mentioned above, certain guidelines should be considered on what to do and what not to do when a baby cries:

  • Parents must remain calm. They don’t need to be shaken, hit, or yelled at to calm them down.
  • In no way give him medicines or foods not recommended by the pediatrician to calm him down. 
  • The breast or bottle should not be offered as a method of relaxation. Although sucking has this effect on children, this bad habit can cause them to ask for food when they are not hungry and, as a consequence, gain weight.
  • It is also not convenient to take the baby in the car every time he cries. Again, we would be creating a habit that would not be good for the daily life of the family.

Finally, parents should know that crying is the communication method for babies, as are smiles. Therefore, it does not always mean that something is wrong or that their care is not enough. It is best to take it easy. After confirming that he is not hungry, sleepy or afraid, he analyzes his state of health in search of possible symptoms of any discomfort.

If you see that everything is fine, any of the methods that we list before can be your great ally for the baby to calm down; this without counting, in addition, that they will allow you to spend beautiful moments of relaxation with your little one while both of you get to know each other.

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