9 Tips For The Child To Learn Typing

At a certain age, the child must learn to type in order to type faster. Thus, you will have valuable learning that is not forgotten and that will be very useful throughout your life.
9 tips for the child to learn typing

It is important that the child learn to type early. From the age of 9 or 10, children have to do many tasks at home assigned at school. They will save time and go faster if they can type, in this case, on the computer keyboard.

In addition to simplifying class assignments, typing is an excellent fine motor exercise that will allow children to have very nimble fingers. It also implies an exercise in automation and complementation of the hand with the brain, hence learning to type is a constant benefit that will go with our little ones throughout their lives.

How to get your child to learn to type

Actually, it is very easy to get the child to learn to type. With a little daily practice, in three to four months you can reach an acceptable level to handle any keyboard.

Use online bases for exercises

The first thing to do is practice, so for this, lessons are needed. Online we can find many to know how to put your fingers and do exercises that, in general, are repetitive, constantly pressing a key with the corresponding finger.

Children with the computer to learn typing.

Say the lyrics out loud

When your child does the exercises, it may help to say the same key that you pressed out loud. In this way, the brain makes a connection between the letter and the movement it has made.

While typing, when pronouncing, learning is accelerated thanks to the visual feedback that is also produced when it appears on the screen. In other words, the sense of hearing is complemented with that of sight to achieve greater growth and an optimal internalization of the process until it becomes something natural.

Constant practice for the child to learn typing

Learning to type has no secrets; it is practicing a lot to memorize and automate the movements. Therefore, it is very important that the little one repeats the lessons regularly. If possible, three times a week is the ideal amount of time, with an hour in each session, so that in three or four months you will be able to handle the keyboard well.

Maintaining the rhythm

For your child to learn to type properly, when he practices, he has to keep up. At the beginning he will comment on many errors, but it is better to let them pass and to focus on that rhythm. Thus, it will be much faster than if you have to constantly stop each time you make a mistake.

Proper body posture

Another important point. With the correct body posture, with your spine straight at an angle of approximately 90 degrees to your legs, you will  find a way to type at the correct speed. In addition, this prevents the appearance of physical problems that, sometimes, are caused by poor postural hygiene when the child is in front of a computer screen, for example.

It is better to be precise than fast for the child to learn to type

When learning to type, it is normal for the child to want to test his skills and write as fast as he can. However, to get the right dexterity, you’d better be accurate. As you practice, your speed will increase.

Child with computer learning typing.

Guaranteed fun

Since it is quite repetitive, since typing, as said before, has a lot of automation of movements, it is necessary that the child, when practicing, enjoy incentives, for example, with jokes, writing words that make him funny, etc.

Two-finger typing to help you learn to type

The first exercises that the child does to learn to type should be based on the use of two fingers. If you start with 10 on both hands, it will get messy and everything will be complex. Therefore, it has to constantly handle two, for example, the two indexes, the two pinkies, etc. So, until you automate the entire process.

Frequency above quantity

It is more important for the child to practice regularly for a limited time. It will be much more positive for your learning than spending many days doing nothing and then preparing a long typing session, allowing you to spend a lot of time again until the next lesson.

Frequency is important. Once it is internalized, it is no longer forgotten. Therefore, practicing half an hour a day, for example, or three times a week, is better than a three-hour session a month.

Learning to type is easy

With these tips for the child to learn typing, and since the little ones are true sponges to internalize knowledge and automate practices, the little one will discover a whole world of keyboards in a few weeks.

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