6 Habits That A Child Should Have Before Adolescence

Children are an inexhaustible source of energy, but they also need to stop and reflect on certain topics. Convey the importance of the following practices to provide them with a true tool that will serve them for life.
6 habits a child should have before adolescence

When they are little we want them to grow up, but when they grow up we wish they did not do it so quickly. At the moment when we least expect it, his childhood will end.

We must be forewarned by knowing those habits that a child should have before becoming a teenager.

It is very important that our children are clear about some things before facing the world of youth. When they are young, we do not give as much importance to small events, words or erroneous childhood behaviors, but there comes a time when we must stop and think.

In a few years they will become adults. Our advice and warnings may not have the same effect by then as they do right now. So we must seize the opportunity we have now.

But, what are the habits that a child should have before starting adolescence? Can we really do something about it parents?

6 habits a child should have before adolescence

Feel that they can trust you

It is very important that, before reaching adolescence, your children know that they can trust you. Take an interest in their friends, their problems and their concerns and show them that they can tell you everything.

You will have paved a path that many parents find impossible when they reach certain ages.

Communication with children is essential for them to grow in harmony. Knowing that they have loving and supportive parents will prevent them from making rash decisions without asking for advice.

Dialogue with children is essential for both.

Knowing how to accept “no” for an answer

There are many children who are used to being given everything they ask for, so as they grow up they believe that they can continue to do the same. What they do not know is that in the real world things do not work that way and their behavior can get them into some trouble or another.

Teach your child to accept the “no’s” without creating a drama. Most of the time, parents spoil them with good intentions, but after a while this ends up taking its toll.

Put your phone aside

Your children must learn to live without a mobile. In an overly connected world, relating to others face-to-face seems almost impossible.

Contrary to what we live, they have grown up being participants in the technological revolution, so it is something that is part of their life.

Not taking the mobile phone to the table at lunchtime, having a specific time to use it or knowing when to stop are essential conditions if they want to be useful adults.  At university or at work you can’t spend all day looking at social media!

Physical contact

Be gentle with them. They may seem a bit surly at times, but any child needs to feel loved. Don’t overload them either: respect their personal space. They will soon run to your lap when they feel in need of affection.

The lack of affection and closeness can cause children to have deficiencies in the future. It is essential that they do not miss a hug or a kiss when they need it most.

Learn to fall

Your children must fail. So, how do you hear it. And when they fall, help them get up. In this way, they will learn that nothing happens because something goes wrong: it would be much worse not to have tried. For that alone they are already brave.

When they learn to fall they will be able to face anything, because they will not be afraid of what others may think. They will only care about their own perception of themselves and their desire to improve themselves will increase.

The affection between parents and children must always be there.


It may seem trivial, but it is much more important than you think. As they grow up, each one becomes the owner of their own body. Parents will no longer be waiting all day to tell them to change their clothes or brush their teeth, so they will have to “force” themselves to do it.

Part of the adventure of growing up is about learning to do certain things on your own. Self-sufficiency is another of the good habits that a child should have before reaching the adolescent stage and that will allow him to be the master of his own destiny.

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