5 Healthy And Fun Recipes To Make With Children

Cooking with children is always a fun task, and if it is also about making healthy recipes … even better! In this article we present you 5 delicious options. Do you dare to try them?
5 healthy and fun recipes to make with children

As parents we try to take care of the health of our children to the maximum, and food is an essential part of it. The problem arises when they ask us for certain sweets that we know do not benefit them at all. Are there recipes for making sweets with children? The answer is yes, and in addition, we can make them healthy and delicious. Put on your apron as cooking classes begin!

1. Jelly beans… fruit!

In this recipe we are going to give you a trick: substitute gelatin for a type of seaweed, agar-agar, which in addition to being nutritious is perfect to give consistency to any preparation.

This algae has a high amount of fiber, which has been shown to be beneficial in reducing the impact of sugar on the body.


  • Algar-agar seaweed : 15 grams for each liter of water.
  • Fruit of your choice, crushed or in natural juice.
  • Honey.
  • Molds


  1. In a bowl, put the juice or the previously crushed fruits.
  2. Add a little honey and the agar-agar dissolved in half a glass of water.
  3. Stir for 5 minutes without stopping and taking care that everything is mixed evenly.
  4. Fill the mold with the mixture and put them in the fridge for an hour.

You already have some delicious and nutritious jelly beans!

2. Fruit lollipops with chocolate

This recipe must be prepared in moderation, since it has sugar in its composition, which in excess is harmful to health, according to a study published in the Journal of Hepatology.


  • Fruits of your choice: those that best combine with chocolate are banana and strawberry, although kiwi and pineapple also have their fans.
  • Chocolate to melt (depending on the amount of fruit you are going to prepare).


    You just have to melt the chocolate in a water bath or in the microwave, puncture the fruit on wooden sticks and submerge them in the liquid. You can add colored sprinkles to decorate them and give them a touch of color and wait for the chocolate to harden in the fridge.

    Trick: stick them in a piece of potato so that they do not touch each other.

    3. Fake apple donuts

    This recipe is quick, it adapts to what you have at home and it is very successful.

    1. Cut the apple into horizontal slices and remove the center. See, what a donut looks like?
    2. Cover the surface with almond, peanut butter or any other spread that your child likes.
    3. Decorate with chocolate chips or colored confetti or whatever you like the most.
    Apple donut

    4. Yogurt ice cream with fruit

    When we think of some recipes to make sweets with children, ice cream can never be missing, don’t you think? And this one in particular is going to fascinate you. Aim:


    • Fruit, again, to your liking.
    • A natural yogurt.
    • Some sweetener like honey or stevia.


    Beat everything very well (kids tend to be bothered by tripping). Put the mixture into ice cream molds with a stick and put it in the freezer.

    5. Chocolate bars with cereals

    This is one of the recipes for making sweets with children more nutritious and energetic, ideal for after doing sports  to regain energy.


    • 250 grams of oats.
    • 90 grams chocolate chips.
    • 50 grams of puffed rice.
    • 50 grams of chopped walnuts, peanuts, almonds or cashews.
    • 40 grams of brown sugar.
    • 60 grams of honey.
    • 40 g of butter.
    • A pinch of salt.


    1. Mix the cereals and half of the nuts and the chocolate. Add the salt as well.
    2. Meanwhile, melt the butter and add the honey and sugar to form a homogeneous mixture.
    3. Let it cool a bit and, when it is warm, add the mixture and stir it very well.
    4. Put it in a container lined with parchment paper, it will be easier for you to take it off and wash the mold.
    5. Crush the mixture well and cover with the rest of the chocolate and nuts.
    6. Let it cool and then unmold and cut into bars.

    Prepare treats for children

    We are sure that with these recipes to make sweets with children they will enjoy. Anyway, try to make sure they consume quality vegetables and proteins throughout the day, since the treats should be a punctual food, not a daily consumption. Take advantage!

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