5 Common Mistakes In Raising Twins

5 common twin parenting mistakes

Having twins is not an easy task, each stage of the development of the little ones demands something different from the parents. Identifying some wrong behaviors that most parents of twins have, can help strengthen the personality of each one and provide enriching growth for both.

When we know that two little creatures are growing inside our womb, the responsibility is doubled. The doctor announces that they will be Twins and the emotion overflows through the body.

It is great and even fun knowing that you will have two young children and imagining everything about them: will they really be identical? How will you dress them? What will their personalities be like when they grow up?

Knowing that you will have twins, you enter a new dimension, in which you must know some mistakes that many parents make and avoid them so that your children achieve the best development of their personality, happiness and harmony between them.

Mistakes in raising twins


AND It is important to give them names that are too similar, if it is true that they are the same at the beginning, during their growth it is tedious that they confuse their names. Avoid names like “Mayerlin” and “Mayorlin,” for example. And so you save them the trouble of having to explain to people who is who.


Many parents think that, having twins, they must be equal in everything and the truth is that they are not. During its development, you must bear in mind that each one goes through its own process, they are two different little ones.

Not identifying their personalities

C sa mother or father of twins, you cannot fall into the mistake of thinking that they are the same in absolutely everything, including their personality.  Each one will have their way of being, one can be more serious and the other more outgoing, so the treatment of each one cannot be the same and you cannot force them to do the same.

It is very important to reinforce their individuality and to let them know delicately and in a timely manner (both to the people who are in the environment and to themselves) that it is not a problem if there are differences in tastes, behavior or performance.

Not promoting their independence

The importance of reinforcing the personality of each one is that their tastes derive from there, in different areas of their life. In their early years, you may want to include them in the same extracurricular classes, however, as they grow you must identify what each one likes and allow them to express you and choose what activity they like to be in. It always varies, maybe some twins like the same thing, soccer, for example.

Be communicative with them, ask each one how they feel and if they like what they do , if one does and the other does not, then give them the freedom to choose another activity that suits their personalities. This encourages your independence. Just because they are twins doesn’t mean they have to always be together.

Treat them exactly the same

They are two different little people, with different personalities, during their growth you will have to identify what each one needs and what their character is like.

Some advices

  • Become an observer agent. Little by little you will discover the personality of each one and you will be able to enhance their positive characteristics and reinforce them so that they overcome weaknesses.
  • Avoid comparative comments.  He subtly reminds people in the environment to avoid comments such as: “why is he not as cheerful as his brother”, “why he does not like to play with it and the other one loves it”.

Each of the twins must be allowed to develop their personality and individuality, which will help them to become adults with a firm and independent identity in the future.

Be attentive to their wishes and needs, evaluate how each one expresses and reacts to certain stimuli. Perhaps one is more rebellious and needs you to talk to him, the other may be more sentimental and need a few extra hugs.

Having twins is a beautiful gift of nature but at the same time an extraordinary experience that demands additional efforts on our part so that they grow and develop in a harmonious and coherent environment free of contradictions.

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