4 Ways To Burn Calories Playing With Your Children

4 ways to burn calories while playing with your kids

Don’t make any more excuses not to exercise with your kids! It is true that motherhood changes everything and you have to completely rebuild your life. But adapting does not mean that you put yourself aside. Loving your children involves loving you too and taking care of yourself, because the better you are, the better they will be. Playing with your children you can burn calories, get fit and have tons of fun. 

Some moms may leave their children in the care of others to spend time with themselves. But this is not always possible. It also doesn’t mean that you can’t take care of yourself by being with your children. Playing is a great activity for children, both physically and emotionally. For moms it is too.

It doesn’t matter how small your child is. There are many fun alternatives with which you can play with it, get fit and burn calories. If you add to that the enormous emotional advantages of interacting with your child, you get a fantastic cocktail.


Do not forget that physical exercise is essential for adults. If you are also going through a bad streak and postpartum depression is haunting you, in exercise and in the game you will find vital allies to get ahead.


Going out for a walk is not the same as going on an excursion. Excursions are synonymous with fun and discovery. And you can do that in more places than in the forest or in the mountains. With a child you can prepare excursions to see nearby towns and even the city where you live.

You just have to make a roadmap, dress and shoes appropriately, prepare a good lunch or healthy snack and take the first step. Let yourself be carried away by what your child proposes, make up funny stories or simulate a great adventure.

Running games

When the child begins to crawl you can start racing with him and invent all kinds of games in which he has to move, which may become more complicated as he begins to walk and run and improve his movement skills.

You can also run pushing the child’s seat. Babies love movement, twisting, and rattling. You can talk to him, teach him things, propose different movements, etc. But you must be very careful and keep it well secured, avoiding that the movement causes sharp turns and blows to its head.


Ball games

A boy with a ball is a happy boy. But what about adults? Leave a ball near anyone and you will see what happens. Hardly anyone is reluctant to kick or throw it back, and if they do, it is because they have suppressed their instincts. Any ball game with children guarantees fun and exercise.

Even children who do not walk can play with the ball as soon as they develop the ability to pick up objects. In these cases, you can ask the baby to throw the ball to you and go get it. The child will really enjoy seeing how you respond and how you move, especially on the street. Combine this game with the traditional cuckoo and your child will have a great time.

When the child begins to crawl he will be able to move and go for the ball, in addition to throwing it at you. You can start playing to score and to conceal goals. You can also start playing with paddles and rackets. When the child starts to walk and run, you can start playing dribbling, throwing with feet and hands and running with the ball. You can improve racket games.

On wheels

Bicycles, skates and scooters are great for having fun and exercising with your kids when they start to grow. Instead of just teaching your child to drive these vehicles and watch over him when he uses it, have fun with him using your other bicycle, scooter or rollerblades.

For the child, it will be much more fun to have someone to play with and, if there are more children – and they are small – you can propose group games or join the one they propose. This will help you get to know your child better and the people with whom he relates, as well as teaching him important values ​​such as respect for the rules and peers, among others.

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