4 Tips To Understand Your Two-year-old Son

4 tips to understand your two-year-old

Every father or mother speaks of two years as a dreaded and difficult stage in the life of children. It’s that, truly, understanding your two-year-old can be a mission impossible. For those who have not faced this stage, this may be an exaggeration. But for those who have already gone through such a moment, they fully understand what we are talking about.

It is that we are wrong in the ways. “It’s just a question of attitude,” say parents who have already experienced these struggles. The particular world of these little ones is not understood through the sharp adult gaze. As seniors, we must be more flexible.

It is not for less. It happens that, at this age, children do not have the capacity to put themselves in the place of the other. Much less is it possible for them to measure well the consequences of their actions. But the future of that child will depend on our action as parents.

That is why, in this article by You Are Mom , we offer you a series of soothing tips with which you can understand your two-year-old son. Only in this way will it be possible to cope with that period that becomes the nightmare of every parent.

4 Tips to understand your two-year-old children

understand your two year old
  • It does not understand limits. The violation of norms is everything at that age. The little ones feel their parents, they measure them. They study what happens if they kick the board. Playing with food, scattering toys and not getting ready to gather them, throw things on the ground, take off their shoes or even undress. They can innocently promise again and again not to fall into the same fault, and yet they are compulsive repeat offenders. That child plays, analyzes where the line is, as a way of feeling reinforced and valued. The best option is to ignore their bad behavior and instead reinforce attention when they obey.
  • The extent of the punishment is unknown. Many times you may feel that it is impossible to understand your two-year-old. Simply because it filled your patience, you think it fed you up and you no longer know what to do. In the face of threats, everything seems to matter very little to him, although when things happen, they turn into a sea of ​​tears. If you think that the child does not interpret or still does not differentiate between affirmative and negative answers, you are wrong. It is that he still does not know the consequences of his actions, nor what the firmness of a punishment implies. Do not promise in the future, act immediately to observe the relationship between cause and effect.
  • Remain unchanged instead of showing gratitude. They do not know how to share, so we think of giving away those toys for which they live fighting with cousins ​​and friends. Did your little one’s reaction to tremendous surprise leave you petrified? Don’t worry, the baby is not unhappy. What happens to him is that he feels somewhat disconcerted, that new feelings emerge, previously unknown: gratitude and immense joy. In this case, all that remains is to wait for the boy to grow up to appreciate his joy at the desired thing.
  • Answers that leave much to be desired. If your child, despite being a charlatan, answers only specific questions, calm down. Because it is a very common reaction at that age. It is difficult for the child to summarize and synthesize when faced with “open” questions that require further development. So choose silence after not being able to prioritize or know where to start. The solution is nothing more than asking more specific or closed questions, easy to answer. Another common question is receiving a ?? ”what?” ?? for answer. Reassure yourself that you are only asking for a time out to process the interrogation. It is that your attention is volatile and distraction reigns in this period. Call your attention to the query and speak slowly.

Understanding Your Two-Year-Old: Difficult, Not Impossible

understand your two year old 3

As you can see, each behavior of that little boy has a reason for being. Try to remain temperate so that you can understand your two-year-old. The solutions to those details that so easily despair parents are simpler than you thought!

There is talk of a two-year crisis, this age is branded as feared and complicated. But, certainly, with a little patience, will, dedication and dedication it is not impossible at all. And you, as a mother, do you feel identified with these items? What solution do you find to these common problems at this stage?

How to deal with the terrible two years?

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