4 Experiments For Children To Learn Science

With these experiments for children to learn science, you will promote their analytical skills and have a fun time. Do you dare to do them?
4 experiments for children to learn science

Science is something that, well explained, can become passionate about children. It gives them the ability to understand the world around them and it can be a lot of fun to do some checks. That is why we want to propose a series of experiments for children to learn science easily.

Let’s do science!

An egg that turns into stone

With this experiment, you are going to see how an egg is made unbreakable only with the help of vinegar. You’ll need:

  • Egg
  • A glass jar with a lid
  • White vinegar

Put the egg in the jar and fill 2/3 parts with the vinegar and cover it. Let it rest for 48 hours and remove the egg. It will have an orange hue and you will see that it cannot be broken. Why? This happens because the eggshell is made up of calcium carbonate, and since it is soluble in vinegar, it has created a tough tough coating instead.


Walk on eggs

As you can see, the eggs allow you to do various experiments. Ask the children what would happen if we stood on a bed of eggs. Sure everyone is convinced that they will shell, but you are going to show them it is not like that.

Let’s do it! You will need to place the eggs in egg cups, all in the same position. Check first that none of them have cracks. Help the child to put his foot on the eggs and to distribute his weight evenly — this is the most important thing. When he is well seated on the eggs, release him.

The eggs do not break because their shape is very similar to that of a three-dimensional arch,  one of the architectural forms that resist uniform pressure.

Obtain a battery or battery from a lemon

You can do this experiment with just a lemon, a screw and a copper coin. Make two slices of the lemon. In one of them insert the screw and in the other the copper coin. If you have a multimeter you can measure the electrical current that you are generating and you can use several lemons to turn on an electrical device.

This occurs because the screw gives electrons to the copper coin and generates a small electrical current.

A homemade thermometer

To make an atmospheric thermometer you will need some materials that you usually have at home:

  • 50 ml empty bottle
  • Transparent straw
  • Clay
  • Water (to fill the bottle)
  • Pair of scissors
  • Bowl with hot water
  • Food coloring
  • Alcohol and ice to calibrate

Step by Step:

  1. Make a hole in the cap of the bottle with the help of scissors and put the straw there.
  2. To seal it well, surround it with modeling clay so there are no leaks.
  3. Fill the water bottle halfway.
  4. Add a few drops of homemade food coloring, so it can be seen more clearly when the water rises through the straw.
  5. Close the bottle and make sure the straw reaches the area where the water begins.
  6. Now heat water in the bowl and put the bottle in the water bath. This causes the molecules to stir faster and push the liquid up through the straw.
  7. Watch the hot water rise through the straw!

Depending on the age of the children, you can add a bit of complexity by calibrating the thermometer. To do this, add alcohol to your mix. We need to mark where the 90ºC is, so you are going to bring the water to a boil and submerge the bottle for 5 minutes. It marks the point where the water rises and there are 90ºC.

Do the same to indicate where the 0ºC is located and submerge the bottle in a bowl with water and ice for another 5 minutes. This way you already have the 0 and 90ºC located and you will be able to calculate (by eye) the intermediate temperatures.

Arouse interest in them, have them ask questions, and forget about electronics for a while.

4 water experiments for kids

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