22 French Names For Girls And Their Meaning

If you are looking for a name for your newborn daughter, we put at your disposal an original list with 22 names of French origin and their meaning. They are beautiful and innovative!
22 French names for girls and their meaning

French is a beautiful and romantic language full of wonderful baby names. So if you haven’t decided on the name of your future daughter yet, we recommend you take a look at our selection of 22 fantastic French names for girls.

In this sense, as you may have seen, choosing the baby’s name is not an easy task. Surely you have valued many options, from the most classic to other more atypical. You sure want the perfect name for your daughter, right?

22 French names for girls and their meaning

In case you are looking for a more unusual name, the French names for girls in the following list can help you make the right choice. You will find the names below.

  1.  Adeline. The first name on the list of French names for girls means ‘noble’.  Adeline is usually a very sensitive, emotional person and full of surprises.
  2. Alizee. The meaning of this beautiful name is constant wind’. Alizee is outgoing, adventurous, and very confident.
  3. Brigitte. Brigitte, on the other hand, means strength’. He is a discreet, dreamy person who loves contact with the human being.
  4. Charlotte Its meaning in the French language is  ‘vi ril’. He is usually a sensitive and committed person; besides, he always knows how to keep his composure.
  5. Desirée. Desirée means  ‘d eseo’. Sentimental and discreet, she understands and knows very quickly what strategy to adopt.
  6. Edith. Its meaning is  ‘wealth’. Edith is a humble person who lacks self-confidence; however, the success with which she finds herself reassures her.
  7. Giselle. Giselle means  ‘hostage’.  He is usually a person who needs to feel secure to prosper and who is always successful because of his patience and perseverance.
  8. Ivette. This pretty name means  ‘the archer’. Emotional and sensitive, she must be constantly on the move.
  9. Juliette. It means ‘the one that is strong from the roots’. Juliette never panics, she acts serious and cool and has her feet on the ground. She is quite introverted and does not give up easily.
Choose one of these French names for girls and give your daughter an original and precious name.

Prettiest French names for girls

Next, follow the list that you will surely like the names and it will be difficult for you to choose from so many beautiful options that you will find:

  1. Léonore. His name means ‘compassion’. Leonore may, at first glance, appear pretentious and cold, but it is more of a self-defense system than an actual trait.
  2. Lissette. Lissette means ‘God is fullness’. She is not easy to influence, she is domineering, objective, and has good self-esteem.
  3. Lorraine. The meaning of this cute name is ‘laurel wreath’. Regarding her qualities, Lorraine prefers to reason logically rather than relying on her intuition. It is quite subjective and sees the outside world through its vision of things.
  4. Mélanie. This beautiful name means  ‘dark’. Melanie is an exciting, outgoing and attention-grabbing person. At the same time, she is pleasant, lively, curious and difficult to influence.
  5. Nancy Nancy means ‘grace’. He is an introvert who needs to feel secure to prosper and succeed, always because of his patience and perseverance.
  6. Lorraine. The meaning of this cute name is ‘laurel wreath’. Regarding her qualities, Lorraine prefers to reason logically rather than relying on her intuition. It is quite subjective and sees the outside world through its vision of things.
  7. Mélanie. This beautiful name means  ‘dark’. Melanie is an exciting, outgoing and attention-grabbing person. At the same time, she is pleasant, lively, curious and difficult to influence.
  8. Nancy Nancy means ‘grace’. He is an introvert who needs to feel secure to prosper and succeed, always because of his patience and perseverance.

We continue with the list of French names for boys

Then, do not miss this last part of the list of names for girls so that you can choose the one you like the most. So if you didn’t like the previous names very much, then don’t miss out on the ones that follow!

  1. Lorraine. The meaning of this cute name is ‘laurel wreath’. Regarding her qualities, Lorraine prefers to reason logically rather than relying on her intuition. It is quite subjective and sees the outside world through its vision of things.
  2. Mélanie. This beautiful name means  ‘dark’. Melanie is an exciting, outgoing and attention-grabbing person. At the same time, she is pleasant, lively, curious and difficult to influence.
  3. Nancy Nancy means ‘grace’. He is an introvert who needs to feel secure to prosper and succeed, always because of his patience and perseverance.
  4. Noelle. The meaning of Noelle is ‘day of birth’. He is an intelligent person, very emotional, pleasant and active, but terribly complex.
  5. Ornella. Ornella means ‘gold’. Discreet and efficient, Ornella has a balanced character; This allows you to lead a general life with good judgment.
  6. Roxane. This pretty name means ‘shovel’. Roxane is a resourceful person who imposes a greater pace of life on her surroundings. Also, she has cool blood and real qualities to solve problems quickly.
  7. Sophie. Sophie is a lovely name that refers to  ‘wisdom’. However, he is usually a reserved person who has difficulty opening up to the rest of the world.

And do you like these names too?

Read on for more name options! Next, we are going to show you more names that follow the list so that you can find the perfect one for your little one:

  1. Violette. The meaning of Violette is  ‘violet’. You are often opportunistic, so you can put aside your values ​​and morals if you do not agree with your actions.
  2. Viviane. It means  ‘full of life’. Viviane has a great control of herself; therefore, it is capable of dealing with sometimes delicate situations.
  3. Yvonne. Yvonne means ‘bush’. She is capable of devotion to causes that she believes to be correct and can carry out all her projects, always with discretion.
  4. Zoe. The meaning of our last proposal is ‘life . Zoe is outgoing and enjoys being around people and friends. Likewise, she has real values, true principles of life and in which she does not give in.
French names for girls denote very deep values ​​and principles.

Finally, we wish this list of French names for girls has helped you. The next step you must take, and it is none other than making the final choice. We are convinced that you will make the right decision!

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