10 Characteristics Of Resilient Children

Resilient children are characterized by a strong ability to cope with their problems and learn from their mistakes. We explain them below.
10 characteristics of resilient children

Do you know how resilient children are? What qualities does this type of personality harbor? Today we are going to show you how these young people are identified and what benefits resilience brings to the way of being and development of the boy.

What is resilience?

Before continuing, it is important to know exactly what resilience is. It could be defined as the condition of a person to face adverse situations. In this way, he manages to adapt in a positive way to trauma, stress or tragedy.

Does this mean that a resilient child or anyone does not feel emotional pain? Not much less. It means that you show a great ability to solve problems in a sensible way. In addition, he has a phenomenal condition to overcome all kinds of very traumatic situations.

If resilience is a very important condition for any person, in the case of children it becomes even more basic. Especially in those young people who live in very toxic environments, it represents a very high possibility of surviving, overcoming them and even having a perfectly normal and dignified life.


What are resilient children like?

Once we know this condition, it is necessary to know what characteristics resilient children usually present. It is important if you discover several of these in your little one that you enhance them, as they will be very useful throughout his life.

  • A resilient child has an excellent ability to solve any kind of problem. In the face of conflicts that arise, he reacts calmly, always seeking the most sensible and positive solution, and without losing his calm or falling into discouragement and negativity.
  • Children tend to have a fairly limited handling of their emotions. But those with high resilience control them with some ease, especially if they are negative. His own nature flees from feelings of anger and rage and always looks for the positive side of each issue.
  • Their ability to cope with problems leads them to face the vicissitudes of life with a very healthy attitude. In addition, they are frankly adaptable to changes.
  • Resilient children show tremendous empathy. They are able to understand other people even if their attitude and personality is diametrically opposite to yours. In addition, they highly respect the feelings of others and understand the emotions of others very well.
  • When it comes to planning, they are very autonomous. They are able to organize themselves without help from anyone and show great calm and ability to face various situations in the most logical and sensible order.
  • Another great detail about resilient children is their sense of humor. In general, they are able to face complex situations without losing their smile at any time. What’s more, they are emotionally controlled and can make other suffering people laugh at a difficult time.
  • A child with high resilience shows great efficacy and self-esteem. He knows his possibilities and never doubts his capabilities. They are confident in themselves, but never overly believing that something is easy when it really isn’t.

Other details of resilient children

We have discussed 7 characteristics that define children with high resilience very well. But they are not the only ones. They are great little people who also show positive attitudes to:

  • Facing mistakes. A resilient child is not perfect and is as aware of his abilities as he is of his limits. Therefore, if he is wrong, he is capable of assuming it and discovering new ways of dealing with the problem.
  • They also demonstrate great social skills. They are usually good communicators who know how to behave in every situation. Therefore, they can expand their circle of relationships and know what to expect from each person around them.
  • A resilient child shows a high capacity to set goals and meet them. When they believe in something, they seek it hard until they achieve it. Also, they rarely lose their poise, optimism, and hope. If they know they can achieve it, they will not give up their efforts.

You can see that resilience is a very positive characteristic for children, and also for adults. So, if you discover that your child has these abilities, encourage and take advantage of them to maximize them, because you will be raising a healthy, self-sufficient and very autonomous boy. I mean, a happy boy.

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