10 Books For Teachers

The books to help parents, teachers and teachers, have new reflections based on experience. In many cases they offer a fresh look at the education of our children.
10 books for teachers

New methodologies, reflections, experiences, historical reviews, and much more can be found in this compilation of excellent books for teachers. And since education cannot be disassociated from the family, these books will also be enjoyed by parents and caregivers in general.

There are books to help parents, teachers and professors that have enriching reflections based on experience. In many cases they offer a fresh look at the education of our children.

Teacher books that enrich any library

1. In Praise of Slow Education , by Joan Dom ènech Francesch

The proposal is based on a kind of counterpoint with respect to the speed of current times. Teaching based on the rhythm of each student implies addressing the diversity of possibilities to enhance them. The definition of ‘slow education’ speaks of learning to find, in each activity, one’s own time.

2. Create the school of tomorrow today. Education and the future of our children , by Richard Gerver

In this list of books for teachers you cannot miss a text by the renowned pedagogue Richard Gerver. Based on the need for a new socio-cultural paradigm, the author proposes the teaching of autonomy and responsibility to children. To do this, he takes as a model his life in a small primary school in England.

Teacher books

3. Cooperative learning in the classroom , by Juan Carlos Torrego and Andrés Negro

A research and training work carried out by the authors in different educational centers, resulted in this book. Here we will see valuable reflections on the advantages of cooperative effort in the classroom. The text was initially published by the very University of Alcalá.

4 . Towards a new school , by Jesús Díaz Tenza

One of the peculiarities that makes this book attractive is the day-to-day recording in the classroom. What stands out the most from the text is a vision of the imagination and fantasy of children in and out of schools. The author considers that the inherent potential of children – creativity, imagination and poetry – are found on the outside, on the margins of study programs.

5. I learn because I want to. Project-based learning (PBL), step by step, by Juan José Vergara Ramírez

The books for teachers have, as one of their main topics, the problem of learning, its conflicts and developments. This manual presents cases of ABP in different workshops dictated by the author. ABP is a methodology that tries to create educational experiences that go beyond the linearity of the transmission of knowledge. In addition to showing the advantages of this method in the classroom, teachers are given ideas to put it into practice.

6. The Facebook and Post-University project , by  Alejandro Piscitelli, Iván Adaime and Inés Binder (compilers)

The book compiles texts written by different students of the National University of Buenos Aires, based on the intention of building an open and collaborative environment. It is a compendium of reflections and experiences on the proposal.

7. Grammar of Fantasy, by Gianni Rodari

This book is  a classic of structuralist pedagogy applied to literature. A book that will enrich any library, which allows an introduction to literary art. In it you will find teaching on useful procedures when telling a story.

The best stage in life for learning varies according to the skill we are trying to convey.

8. Good and Bad Education , by Inger Enkvist

This work starts from the question of what is understood by quality education. A tour of the educational systems will reveal which ones promote this change and which ones have become obsolete. The author rescues the need for an educational system where daily reading and effort in the face of challenges are recovered for all schools.

9. Educate in amazement , by Catherine L’Ecuyer

In search of meaningful learning, the author proposes that children explore, have fun and enjoy every moment. It sounds simple, but these days learning often takes a lot of effort. Educating in amazement is presented as a tool against classroom yawning.

10. All children can be Einstein: an effective method to motivate intelligence, by Fernando Alberca

The author provides very useful tips to help students enhance their abilities and creativity. In general, it is about reflections on the need to ‘teach to think’  and to have a personal look on the everyday.

These 10 books for teachers try to broaden the view on education. In short, everything adds up when it comes to renewing methodologies to sustain the interest of students and offer them the possibility of questioning what is happening around them.

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